Thursday, January 27, 2011

What's a girl to do with no Band-Aid?

I made a very silly mistake today. As I was walking to class I realized I was wearing the skinny jeans that chafe my cute little achilles tendon as I walk. I really should have remembered this and rolled them up before putting my boots on because this whole problem could have been easily prevented. The chafing got consequently worse as I walked the long, cold walk from Nora to class. By the time I got to class I was gimping in the room and quite sure of the fact that the skin on my ankle was torn to pieces. So I skiddadled off to the bathroom to check on it, and sure enough, there was a nice little piece of skin hanging off the back of my ankle. Sad lyfe. I decided to tough it out and go back to class and deal with it later (mainly because I was so excited to peer edit my Mesa Redonda Number Uno and couldn't stand to miss one second of my riveting Spanish Class).

After class I ducked back into the bathroom to see if they had a Band-Aid dispenser, but there were none in site. Then I noticed something on the counter that might suffice... A box of maxipads! If you think about it, I guess a pad is like a giant Band-Aid... It's like a big piece of gauze right? So I decided to try it out. I rolled up my jeans, stuck the pad on my ankle to cover up my gaping, chafed-up wound, and put my boot back on. It didn't occur to me until I'm walking up the stairs out of the building that applying the sticky strip directly to my wound wasn't the brightest idea, because now it's pulling it in all directions with every step I take. I thought about readjusting, but then realized my entire Spanish class was walking behind me and if they saw me pull a maxipad out of my boot, they might never want to me partners with me again (then who would edit my Mesa Redonda?!). So I gimped on over to the closest safe haven: Walter Library. This brings me to the present: I am now sitting here with a maxipad stuck to my ankle, hidden in my boot, surrounded my a room of judgmental AZNs. So what am I supposed to do? I could go to the bathroom to take it off, but then I'd be stuck with the original problem of the ankle/skinny jean chafing (combined with the fact that I don't trust any of these people to watch my computer as I scurry off).

So that's my daily dilemma. A seemingly brilliant idea turned sour when put into action. In short, a maxipad Band-Aid that didn't work out as well as I'd originally hoped.

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